首页安卓游戏 > Princess doll house
Princess doll house

Princess doll house


  • 安全
  • 人工检测
  • 官方版
3.0 值得推荐
When it comes to creating a beautiful doll house for your princess, look no further than this decoration game. You can choose the design and location of the rooms, add all the furniture to make each room special, decorate the outdoors of your doll house, as well as change the colors of your furniture pieces to compliment your princess’s home. So why not get creative and show your royal princess just how much of a decorator you are.Features:• Rearrange the rooms to just how you want your doll house to look. • Add each piece of furniture in separate rooms to make each room special. • Choose and change colors of your furniture to make it compliment your wall paper. • Decorate the outdoors so all your friends can come and stay for a while.• Show off your doll house that is only fit for a beautiful princess.
作者:LPRA STUDIO 更新时间:2017-03-26
版本:3.0.4 系统:Android 4.0以上
  • 无病毒
  • 无广告
  • 用户保障

